5 Sure Signs A Startup Firm Will Succeed

Interesting article from Forbes– excerpts below.

“Many articles talk about the signs a startup firm will go under. So with props to Martin Zwilling for his recent piece 5 Sure Signs That a Good Startup is Going Bad, I’d like to dedicate my first Forbes column to the signs a budding startup firm will succeed.”

Here are the five signs the article lists. For more information, please read the article.

1. Has Validated Customers.

2. Shows a Strategic Perspective.

3. Is Cash Conservative.

4. Operates with Transparency.

5. Communication.

“But in summary – has any startup that met these five criteria ever failed? Surely, there are some examples—organizations who met with tragic occurrences such as 9/11, Katrina, or unforeseeable and sudden shifts in market conditions. But short of cataclysmic occurrence, I would maintain that any company that meets these conditions is highly unlikely to fail.”

Do you have any thoughts on the secrets to success? Post your comments here or send them in via email. We’d like to hear what you think!

5 Responses to 5 Sure Signs A Startup Firm Will Succeed

  1. kemarketings says:

    I would add two more points – 1 – hard work; 2 – patience. It takes a really long time for any start up to build a business and getting long-term customers what every business is looking for.

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